

俚语 fire-cock

fire cock

when you get so much roblox pussy you get fire cock also known as fyo cockk mad rolblox puss my dude dead ass
you know why their in your house caus they want that fire cock no what the heck is wrong with you

Fire cock

It gets you mad Roblox puss.
Person 1: Why is there bitches in your house?
Person 2: I don't know!
Person 1: Because they want that fire cock.


Take a metal Dildo, and heat it up over a fire/stove.
Proceed to use it.
Girl 1: What's wrong? You're limping.

Girl 2: I was bored last night so I pulled a Fire-Cock

Cock Fire

When a man's cum burns the inside of his penis and often the vagina or anus of his partner
"I tried fucking yesterday, but i had cock fire."


To be horny,
named after the description of a male's penis to be "on fire" when in need of a sexual fix.
Alf: Damn I got me a case of the Cock-Fire, come over here and fix that.
Sarah: Roger.

Fire Mission Cock Block

Any form of delay or douche-baggery resulting in either a check fire or end of mission. Usually employed by helicopters flying around knowing the gun target line and blatantly disregaurding it in order to try and steal a kill from artillery. This is done because frankly helocopters just aren't sneaky enough to get their own kills, and staff officers swing from air support nuts.
Fister 1: Shot tgt#1234, check fire we have helos on the gun target line.
...an hour later.
Fister 1: Cancel check fire, end of mission this shit took way too long and helos scared them away.
Fister 2: Dude we just got fire mission cock blocked!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:53:27