

俚语 fire is fucked

Fire Fuck

Captain Falcons special penetration method performed in super smash bros when he Up and B's someone.
<gamer1>Ah yes just made it back
<gamer2>FIRE FUCK

Fire fuck

A chick from whom you catch an std after sexual relations.
Guy 1 "That chick by the bar sure is hot!"
Guy 2 "Stay away from that one dude, she's a fire fuck."
Guy 1 "Oh-snap, Fo real?"

fire fuck

Phrase describing a fire truck technition or E.V.T. This word began it's use in fire truck repair shops in texas and the phrase itself was coined by 'Grundy'.
'Get your ass out of the truck shop you fire fuck'

Fire fuck

Fire fuck: lighting a gingers pubes on fire, fucking them, then putting the flame out with your cum
:Bro I fire fucked a bitch last night
:Oh so u lit that gingers pubes on fire

Fire is Fucked

Pharse; When a fire gets out of control and starts sparking and setting things on fire.
"Oh, this fire is fucked. We need to get out of here!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:21:10