

俚语 first world hungry

First world Hungry

When you have a fridge and pantry full of lots of good food but won't eat anything normal because you crave junk food.
Girl 1: I'm soooooo hungryyyy! I need foooood.
Girl 2: Seriously? Your house has enough food to feed a tribe of Eskimos for 3 weeks.

Girl 1: I want chiiiiiips!
Girl 2: Oh, you're first world hungry.

First World Hungry

When you have plenty of food to keep you well nourished, but you gluttonously want or desire more than you need. To "feel" hungry even though you ate today. As defined by Louis C.K. on March 29, 2014.
"I am first world hungry, I would <like> a donut." --Louis C.K.




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