

俚语 fish eggs


A ship between an egg and a fish
Omg Fish-egg are so cute

fish eggs

when a girl has a yeast infection during here period
damn bill i was bangin this hoe and it was like fish eggs fool!

Fish Eggs

1.) The smell a scrotum picks up after bouncing off a wet, unclean vagina or anus repeatedly during intercourse.

2.) The dry, hard, foul smelling crust that forms on a scrotum following vigorous sex with a dirty whore.
"Dude... you must have gotten lucky last night. I can smell your fish eggs from here!"

"Holy shit Karen, you gave me some wicked fish eggs! Why don't you try cleaning your ass better?"

"I knew Dave was cheating on me as soon as I caught wind of his fish eggs. I take better care of myself than that."

"Wow! Maximus hit that dude right in the shit stick! I bet he cracked his fish eggs."




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