

俚语 fitton


Verb: To do a Fitton is to accidentally ejaculate onto one's own face.

Happens extremely rarely during some sort of sexual act, when lying down. In the moment, bodily control is temporarily lost, and semen could be fired anywhere. When doing a Fitton, this happens to be one's own face
Did you hear about Billy? Kat gave him head, then he did a Fitton!


A task so boring or rubbish that you just have to abandon it halfway through.
Last night I did an absolute Fitton.


Often linked with the word twat , dickhead , gimp etc etc
Ha theres SAM FITTON lets jump him! (everyone points and laughs


The ultimate form of life in the universe it is perfection and cannot be inproved upon. They also have the ability 2 teach donkeys to ride motorbikes
Sam Fitton

fitton flop

A variation on soul patch, only denoting one which is off-centre.

In honour of the dart player Daryl "The Dazzler" Fitton, who sported an off-centre soul patch in the semi-final of the 2005 Lakeside World Championship.
My hand slipped when i was trimming it and turned it into a fitton flop, so i just shaved it off and i'm gonna start again.

Jack Fitton

Hey is that Jack Fitton? I hear that guy is cool *looks at Jack Fitton with Admiration*. Maybe one day I'll be Jack Fitton
Hey it's Jack Fitton, everyone act cool.

Peter Archibald Fitton

a guy with a massive horse cock. and he has a private jet. and only gets rejected once.
damn, Peter Archibald Fitton is supa coo foo.




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