

俚语 fitty


Someone that is extremely attractive, good looking, or hot.
He is such a fitty!


Someone who is insanely attractive and fit cos they did exercise like running, circuits and core.
Gosh, i want that Fitty strutting round Soho so so bad.


An attractive girl you reckon would fit perfectly on your penis
Joe:"Tommy did you see that cute Korean girl?"
Tommy: "yeah she is cute..wow"
Joe " I think she's a Fitty, I Reckon she would fit perfectly on your tiny penis."


Noun. (Australian colloquialism):
A small bag of cannabis. Usually costs $50 and weighs around 3.5 grams (an eighth of an ounce). Generally pronounced 'fiddy'.
I'm heading over to old mates to pick up a Fitty.


When something performs at 50% resulting in them only doing half of what was expected of them.
Today when I was getting lunch in a drive through I ordered a burger, fries, and a drink. After paying and pulling up to get my meal. I opened the bag to find out I did not get my fries, which meant I had just received a fitty from the drive through.


Used to describe a man (or woman) who dresses in expensive clothes very often.
"That man's such a fitty"


The word "funny" and "witty" combined together to make the word "fitty". To describe someone who makes a funny yet witty joke.
Oh John, you're so fitty! I can't stop laughing!




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更新时间:2024/9/19 7:58:46