

俚语 five minute party

Five Minute Party

A type of event which only lasts for 5 minutes, invented by CEM Bugra of Istanbul, Turkey.

A Five Minute Party can be held to celebrate an achievement, such as publishing something or finishing a project, or to create energy on an otherwise dull day.

A Five Minute Party is typically held in the mid-afternoon.

It involves music, dancing, and a bunch of people screaming and/or cheering. Alcohol is optional. Plugging your iPod into your car radio is also optional.

Venue can be anywhere, but using a garage is preferred as it gives a more original feeling (a feeling sometimes confused with awkwardness).
Henrik: We've finally just published the reports
Fred: What?
Henrik: The reports of the project we started like a million moons ago
Cem: This calls for a Five Minute Party! Everyone down to the garage




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