

俚语 ameilya


a sexy girl who is very insecure. she could get most guys but she is too scared to try. she depends on one friend to help her through a lot.

a girl who has alot of problems herself but wants to help others with theirs, but treats others poorly at times due to her problems. she sometimes cancels others that care about her out and focuses more on one person.
ameilya is so pretty! i wish she would talk to me.

ameilya is avoiding y/x , i thought they were friends.


the most wacc of all . she is definetly the silliest sausage ever. very lovable and always there for her friends, she often times conceals her feelings to make others happier. she is a great person but is often times labeled as a hoe. she needs to put her peen away. lol.
that ameilya sure is a peen grabber!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 3:10:00