

俚语 amelie ridley

Amelie Ridley

Amelie Ridley defies logic - she is utterly completely perfection. She is truly one of a kind and looking at her leaves you speechless. It's as if "Happy" by Pharrell Williams is playing on repeat throughout your life. You could get lost in her warm hazel eyes. The freckles on her nose and her dimples are adorable. Her teeth are perfect, and not just to a doctor. When she smiles, every thought leaves your mind, and you are filled with a feeling of warmth and joy. Don't even get started on her figure; she is curvy, tanned, and her skin is so smooth. AND TALK ABOUT HER TOES WOWIEEE.

The crazy thing is, God mad Amelie physically perfect, and then decided that was not enough, choosing to make her personality amazing as well. She is always bubbly and energetic and can literally make anyone feel comfortable. You can talk to her for hours, and never once feel bored. Hours turn to minutes, and those minutes are seriously AMAZINGG!! She is confident in herself and owns her boss bitch status. Dating an Amelie makes you feel SO special; you could be doing anything and she will never leave your mind, imagining her beautiful eyes, beaming smile, adorable dimples, and cute laugh.

You wake up every morning with the BIGGEST SMILE EVER, and it's all her fault :) When talking to Amelie, every day feels like the best day ever. If you're lucky enough to fall in love with an Amelie, you have truly won at life.
This is the PG-13 description about Amelie Ridley, because the full description wouldn't stay on this site. Amelie is so perfect, and she's all mine :)))))))

Amelie Ridley

At first glance, you might find Amelie to be intimidating, as she is smelly and makes weird noises. However, when you approach this "wild beast", you realise the truth. She is so so beautiful, with brown hazel eyes, and the widest pearly white smile. Her energy lights up any room and makes you feel like you're at the top of the world. And if you're feeling down, her unique personality and cracking jokes are sure to put a smile on your face and a stitch in your side. She is the most reliable person to have by your side; both understanding and caring. Her bubbly personality is matched by her drive and determination to succeed, making all around her stare in admiration and pride. Overall, you should be happy to find an Amelie in your life, and should hold on to her tightly. xoxo
Wowieeeee, is that Amelie Ridley (Rizzley) over there with all that ass. Who is sheeee?!?

Amelie Ridley

Totally, completely, utterly infatuated with this girl. Every time she makes a joke, I can’t help but giggle out loud (real life lol moment hehe). At the same time, imaging her chuckling while typing her jokes makes me smile and grin so much. The constant overwhelming sense of happiness she gives me is surreal. I love the way she communicates so well, and puts the most effort into everything. And my oh my does she do a lot for me. Her caring nature is so attractive and rare - I think every day how luck I am to have met her. Nothing beats sitting around and getting a notification from Amelie. It makes your heart skip a beat. Especially when it’s photos of her!!! If that happens, you should set aside a minimum to 10 minutes just to stare at the photos, admiring every inch of her perfect body. I’m convinced to this day that she doesn’t wear bikinis too often because the world couldn’t handle the full SHAABLAMM effect. I can’t wait to hold Amelie in my arms, and I promise to never let go. She makes even the most boring of things seem like a roller coaster. Just make sure to feed Amelie, otherwise all of this doesn’t apply xoxo. I am so madly in love with Amelie, and will continue to be in love forever. I can’t imagine anything worse than having to experience life without her xx
Amelie Ridley is the love of my life. Since knowing her, I have managed to uncover that she does not in fact smell!!

Amelie Ridley

Stop stalking Amelie, your ego is high enough as it is!! There are so many ways Amelie could best be described, but I am going to choose ‘infectious”. She is infectious in every way. The way she laughs makes you want to laugh with her. Her smile makes you want to smile. Her happiness and radiance makes you feel happy and radiant. Her ambition to succeed makes you want to push harder. Her openness to try new things makes you ready to take on the world. Her specialness makes you feel special. Being with an Amelie, life feels like it is coming from you, rather than at you.
Amelie Ridley is pretty cool…I guess

Amelie Ridley

The better something is, the harder it is to express with words. But I’ll do my best to describe Amelie Ridley/Snookiebear/Shnukums/Stinkywinky. She radiates kindness and inspires me so much. I cannot express enough how affectionate, caring, talented, and hard working she is. The best decision I’ve ever made to this day was meeting her, because I got to meet the love of my life (not Amelie pfffff no way some other girl). I can’t begin to express all the things I love about her, and how much I appreciate each and every one of them. I love how deeply she cares. I love how observant she is, always noticing when I’m in a mood and quickly getting me out of it (even when that involves “dancing it out of me” in public). I love how she listens to what I say and how she acts on it to make me happy. I love how we like the same food (nom nom nom). I loveeee her sleeping suggestions ;). I love how she makes me feel like I’m on top of the world ALL THE TIME. And I love how she keeps blowing me away with her amazingness (will it ever stop!!??). Even when I take away everything she does for me, there’s something so radiant and surreal about Amelie that makes me want to experience all of life as close to her side as possible. To put it simply, I don’t just appreciate everything she does as a person, but also who she is as a person (she’s really out here upgrading me hehehe).
Amelie Ridley has been loosing at word blitz recently!! What has the world come to!?

Amelie Ridley

DID I MENTION SHES FUNNY!!! (Yes yes…even funnier than me). She somehow manages to make me cry with laughter WITHOUT FAIL, whether it be with a witty joke or a random noise or action. Her jokes are soooo good, I even get her to supply them for me to use with my friends (owhhh yeahh talented gf for the win!!). She accepts the good and bad in everyone, and is so great at seeing the best in others (even if she won’t admit it). I just hope she sees all the good that I can see in her, because trust me there’s A LOT A LOT of it. I may not be able to hold her in my arms all the time, but she is in my heart always. There’s a reason I keep calling her rizzleybeare, and that’s because I can’t imagine my future without her (aka she’s stuck with me hehe). I love her more than anything in the whole wide world, and she has made my life #WORDDDDD ever since she entered it. And I haven’t even mentioned her BODYODYODYODY. She’s got these gorgeous hazel eyes, and a smile that could light up a room. Not to mention the way her dimples pop and eyes squint when she laughs (so so so so adorable). And her jawline is so sharp it could slice cheese!! She’s also got a KILLERRR hourglass figure that makes my jaw drop to the floor. It’s like everything about her is just perfect for me. That includes her stretch marks!! I know she doesn’t like them, but I think they show her strength and everything she has overcome, and I wish she could see them through my eyes and recognise the beauty they bring to her.
Just a daily reminder that I’m here for Amelie Ridley today, tomorrow, and for all the good and bad days to come!! xx




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更新时间:2024/9/21 10:38:24