A really rare metal that you can only find in Poland, it's so rare there's only one instance of it on the internet, the main aspect of the metal is you can't paint it with normal paint, you have to get an amelinium paint
A: Yo dude I wanted to paint that metal box thing and fucking couldn't for some reason
B: This is amelinium.
A: What's that?
B: Amelinium, you probably know what's that.
A: No clue, no clue. What is this?
B: Amelinium, you have to get an amelinium paint to paint on amelinium
B: This is amelinium.
A: What's that?
B: Amelinium, you probably know what's that.
A: No clue, no clue. What is this?
B: Amelinium, you have to get an amelinium paint to paint on amelinium