

俚语 flashdance


the act of ejaculating on someone's chest
I know the definition of flashdance because I was flashdanced at a Chantal Goya concert a few years ago also at Woodstock 69


When you spill a beverage down your front side accidentally while drinking.
I was drinking water and it spilled down my face, neck, shirt and pants... I totally flashdanced myself.

She put her head back and I was pouring beer in her mouth but totally missed her mouth and flashdanced her!

Gorilla Flashdance

A commonly held, go-to sexual fantasy not admitted to by many.
Once I conjure up my Gorilla Flashdance fantasy, I’m hitting ecstasy in a matter of seconds!


A very specific feeling you have when you listen to cheesy 80's music.
"Dude, I just had an amazing "Flashdance-flashback" when Paul lent me his Best of the 80s CD.


When you put your shirt over your shoulder to receive a vaccination.
Can you flashdance it so I can inject your Covid vaccine?




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:35:00