

俚语 flasses


A flass is a flat ass.

1 a) Usually a flat ass on a woman.

1 b) Usually a flat ass on a man.
1 a) Man: That woman isn't sexy. She has a flass.

1 b) Woman: That man isn't sexy. He has a flass.


1) A flat ass
Person 1: "Oh my goodness look at that skinny bitch!"'
Person 2: "Haha, yeah, look at the flass!!!"


Simply when one has a flat ass. Hence Flass.
That girl has quite the Flass!


Having a small butt
She's gotta flass dude..


Flat ass
She has a flass.


The way that flabby person on the block goes off on you for the littlest thing, shaking their head back and forth, getting all up in your face and pointing their grimy fingers right at you as they proceed to spit on your face by yelling; their sass is just as extra as their flab
Guy1: "so I was in McDonald's and this woman was standing there for a good 5 minutes trying to make up her mind. I knew what I wanted so I walked in front of her to order when they said 'next please'. Then that bitch proceeded to go off, getting red in the face and making me smell her nasty ass breath. She caused a huge scene over a simple mistake."
Guy2: "Well bro, be happy you made it out alive cause that bitch could have suffocated you with her flass."


When you floss your teeth with hair you acquire whilst eating ass.
I only had time to eat ass or floss so I flassed




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