

俚语 fleecing


Fleecing is the process of being naturally high. The good feeling comes from an overload on life itself, and is commonly used to describe a feeling of extreme happiness.
Bro, were totally hitting up the waves this weekend, and we're going to be drinking pina coladas, making out with hot women, i mean we're going to be completely fleecing.


Used for when the person being talked about does anything that they knew better than to do. This can have a positive or negative connotation. To be buggin or over doing it or in a good case flexing.
Friend 1: Mr. Cooper, you forgot to give us the homework.
Friend 2: Bro, you’re fleecing


To steal. To rip off. To let a friend down.
"That guy just fleeced that guys jacket", "The bartender charged me $7.00 for that beer. What a fleece!", "Jobo didn't show up. He fleeced us again".


Being cheated out of belongings
I paid too much for the car. I got fleeced.


To be stolen from.
Damn, someone just fleeced my bag!


To be ripped off. To pay for something and get inferior or no product.
That geezer just fleeced me, this aint a real travelcard.
That machine just fleeced me for a quid, I selected a coke and it didn't come out.


Those furry jackets. Similar to sweatshirts but with zippers and furriness.
I am wearing a fleece




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