

俚语 flerf


A person who believes that the Earth is flat.
It doesn't surprise me that Tila Tequila is a flerf.


A person who believes that the earth is flat.
Flerf's are literally the dumbest people on the planet.


A person who is incapable of incorporating evidence or reasoning which either falsifies the flat-earth conjecture or validates the conventional model; a flat earth believer.
I showed him photographs of the New Orleans Causeway curving over the horizon, but the flerf called them fake.


Something you hopefully aren't
Dude 1: The earth is flat, change my mind.
Dude 2: You flerf...


The pysop that is, Flat Earth.
''..there's no proof of flerf..''


Verb, to FLERF

While a FLERF is a Flat Earther, FLERFing is a verb defined as infiltrating Flat Earther communities and planting ridiculous "evidence" using psuedoscience, woo, or scientific sounding nonsense and gibberish in an attempt to get FLERFs to believe even more ridiculous things.
"What have you been up to?"
"Not much, just FLERFing that new Flat Earth group with a theory on avian air buoyency"
"Wow you really need a life"
"I know"


to use one's face as a toilet
I flerfed all over Nick Eyer.
Steven got a lap dance from a stripper and she flerfed all over him!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:38:28