

俚语 flexitarian


A silly word to categorise people whose eating habits don't already fit into a category but desperately want to belong to a label.
Me? I'm flexitarian. It's like a vegetarian, but I eat meat too.


some one who essentially eats just vegetables (as well as fish, eggs & milk) who's not too uptight about eating meat ocaisionally as a matter of convenience; a lenient vegetarian
Rather than offend his hosts, he ate a good-sized portion of the spaghetti a la carbonara they offered rather than making a meal out of salad, bread & dessert. Why go hungry? I'm a flexitarian.


an omnivore who maintains a predominantly plant-based diet, but continues to eat animals (including fowl and sea animals).
Although Julie eats lots of nuts, legumes, fruits, and vegetables in her daily diet, she is a self-proclaimed flexitarian who will periodically eat fish or chicken.


being vego but making yourself a bacon and egg roll the morning after a bloody stonker of a night
flexitarian (sunday morning): nah mate it's not even real bacon, i swear!!


An occasional meat eater. Not a vegetarian, maybe not even intentionally avoiding meat.
David didn't even know he was a flexitarian at first, but he learned he was because he didn't eat meat every day.


Someone, usualy male, who pretends to be a vegitarian to get laid.
John wanted to sleep with Sue, so he became a flexitarian.


1) a pretend vegetarian

2) one who claims to be vegetarian, but eats meat when it's "convenient" (see faketarian)
Jesse: I went to Ashe's house for dinner, they were having chicken and rice.
Rodney: So you went hungry, right?
Jesse: No, I'm a flexitarian when i need to be.
Rodney: More like faketarian.




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