

俚语 floads


Simply meaning a Fat Load
Dude did see that guy at the buffet he was such a fload.


Suburban or urban male age 17-29 who frequents bars in the company of fellow floads in hopes of sexual gratification. Often identifiable by white baseball cap, clothing emblazoned with a designer's name, excessive hair product, and a misogynistic demeanor. Floads travel in herds of 3-20.
"Are you sure you want to go there? That bar always attracts a herd of floads trying to get laid."


A nice simple abbreviation of Fuck Loads

Predominantly used in txt/email/wattsapp rather than f2f
“Hey man, you got any spare munchies”

“Go for it, I’ve got floads”


Fload (N). Frozen load of male ejaculate. Used for future impregnation.
“How did Bryan knock up Trish? I thought he had a vasectomy?”
“Nah he had a fload done a few years back, that load is still solid af”

Fload (Floating Head of Death)

A co-worker that constantly looks over his cube wall when he hears others talking and barges in on the conversation. This person usually has the characteristic that follow:

Curly Hair
Smells like wet grass
Smells like milk
Breath smells like a rubber boot
Tells jokes that no one laughs at
FLOAD alert!!! FLOAD Alert. That dude is a complete FLOAD.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:01:46