

俚语 amerigant


An American who behaves in a self-centered, ignorant and arrogant way, generally while travelling outside the USA.
While dining at a famous French restaurant in Paris and when asked for his order by the French Waiter, Randy insisted that the chef prepare a hamburger and french fries for him, regardless of the fact that both were not on the menu. The French waiter left the table shaking his head replying under his breath, "How Amerigant!"


Amerigance is the patriotisim and pride that most Americans show regarding their country. It is blindly believing they are the best at everything without actually seeing who else is in the game. It is assuming everyone wants to be like them, and it is thinking the rest of the world would be lost without them. It is also assuming everyone wants or needs their help. It is the astounding ignorance that oozes through the pores of every small town in the USA. Ignorance and Arrogance are the back-bone of every thing they do.
"We live in the best country in the world!" When in fact you have never travelled anywhere else to see what you are missing and your health care is like a 3rd world country.
" We won the World Series, we are the best in the world!" How can you be a world champion when the only people playing are from the USA?

Assuming you are going to win Hockey gold at the Olympics is total Amerigance
Saying you hate other countries that do something better than you is Amerigance


A behavioral quality displayed by people from the United States who are unaware of their waning economic superiority but still believe they are entitled to wear baggy shorts and ugly Hawaiian shirts on every vacation from London to Naples as they incessantly and loudly complain about the slow service at the Hard Rock Cafe.
"Franco, I don't like that man from Dallas."
"Si, Tatiana...he is so smug and amerigant; <hmmmph>...he does not even wear slim black pants and expensive shoes!"


The combination of two words American and Arrogance. First heard
in a speech given in London by film director and editor T. Adams
The Attitude of America as a whole as seen by the rest of the world.
George Bush stands firm in his Amerigance to the oppinions of other nations regarding his policy in Iraq.
George Bush stands firm in his Amerigance to the oppinions of other nations regarding his policy in Iraq.


The (often unjustified) belief that you know more than people from other parts of the world because you were born in 'Merica!. Arrogant American.
Folks from around the world think people from the US are full of Amerigance.

Also used as Amerigant.
Showing or having Amerigance.
Dr Patel to his wife: "My new patient said I'm not a real doctor because I'm from India. What an Amerigant asshole!"

Nigfrican Ameriger

A clever portmanteau of the words nigger and african american that disguises the derogatory term nigger within the politically correct word african american in order for non-black people to get away with saying the n word in front of black people. Often used in place of the word nigger or nigga
"dude, stop acting like a nigfrican ameriger, we decided on McDonalds, not KFC!"




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