

俚语 fuck all

fuck all

I'm so lazy, I did fuck all, all day

fuck all

Meaning 'absolutely nothing' in a slightly more vulgar way than usual ;)
-D'you know what I like about you? .... FUCK ALL. (from Green Wing)

fuck all

How they say "jack shit" in Britain.
Americans know fuck all about British slang.

fuck all

another phrase for nothing, nil, zero.
City is our name
City is our name
Twnety-eight years and won fuck all
City is our name

fuck all

Nothing, nothing great,zilch
Your grouse compared to mine is fuck all.He thinks he knows everything, but he knows fuck all

fuck all

boring, uninteresting, not worthy
the movie was fuck all, man

fuck all

A popular Canadian expression to demonstrate disgust for a general situation.
Dunc: It's time for Hockey Night in Canada and were all out of LaBatt's.
Gord: Doesn't that just fuck all!




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