

俚语 fuckin ass

fuckin ass

a common expression when you are extremely pissed off
"Dude did you bring the porn?"

"Ahh fuckin ass, no I didn't"

fuckin ass bang

what a stupid asshole saying the nice way.
what a fuckin ass bang

fuckin ass bitch

someone being rude,obnoxious,unpleasant, rude,or mean.
he's being a fuckin ass bitch

Beat fuckin' ass

Describes a beating your about to do.
If you dont stop that shit ur gunna have a beat fuckin' ass

fuckin ugly ass !

a girl thats fuckin fat as hell and is ugly ! also is a vegeterian .hates meat alot ! but loves her bf. she is not beautiful at all and is fugly as hell ! she has long brown hair and brown eyes.
look at sayra ramirez she has a fuckin ugly ass !

Ass, Fuckin'

Really Really Good
"That is some good ass, fuckin' chicken"

fuckin shit ass ho

something my brother says
Goddmanit you fuckin shit ass ho, what the fuck is wrong with you?




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