

俚语 fuckstatic


feeling absolutely frigging fucking ecstatic about something.
I was absolutely fuckstatic when i found out that i haven't failed my maths test.


When something is really bad and shit is all over the place. People do not have a clue what is going on. And even Chris can't sort it out
This office is a fuckstate.

This restaurant is dirty, got my order wrong, the staff don't know what they're doing and they've charged me for 3 drinks I did not have. This place is a complete fuckstate


n. A wax slab used in the female circumcision ceremonies of the upper nubian tribes (who occupied the nile cattaracts in the 20's AD).
The item is described in the 'Alexandrian Hisotories' published by the historian "Livy".
"And a new layer was shorn forth of the fuckstation and the young girl came forward and cleaved what was hers."




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更新时间:2024/9/21 5:30:06