fudgy logic
Starting with a conclusion first, fudgy logic is the process of using faulty and sometimes made up assumptions, reasoning and justifications, to arrive at the said foregone conclusion.
Similar to circular reasoning, except the in-between steps are faulty or fudged up.
Similar to circular reasoning, except the in-between steps are faulty or fudged up.
1. Joe insists that 1+1=10 because he does arithmethic in binary, and therefore through fudgy logic deduction, no other number-base should exist.
2. To Jane's and Spot's surprise, Dick ate all the lasagnia, because his fudgy logic dictated that since they let him eat first, no one else wanted it.
2. To Jane's and Spot's surprise, Dick ate all the lasagnia, because his fudgy logic dictated that since they let him eat first, no one else wanted it.
fudgy logic
Starting with a conclusion first, fudgy logic is the process of using faulty and sometimes made up assumptions, reasoning and justifications, to arrive at the said foregone conclusion.
Similar to circular reasoning, except the in-between steps are faulty or fudged up.
Similar to circular reasoning, except the in-between steps are faulty or fudged up.
1. Joe insists that 1+1=10 because he does arithmethic in binary, and therefore through fudgy logic deduction, no other number-base should exist.
2. Despite all evidence to the contrary, Dubya attacked Iraq anyway, using dubious justifications; a classic application of fudgy logic.
2. Despite all evidence to the contrary, Dubya attacked Iraq anyway, using dubious justifications; a classic application of fudgy logic.