

俚语 anal fart

anal fart

whilst having anal sex the person who is receiving it farts .
bob and julie were having anal sex and julie anal farted .

anal fart baby

When you jizz in a women's ass and she farts, causing the cum to leak and and seap into her vagina, thus causing her to get pregnant, the resulting child is called an anal fart baby
you see Melissa over there she's an anal fart baby

Anal Tity Fart

In the act of having anal sex with a prego, milk squirts out of her tity making a farting noise.
"Dude I was fucken this prego in her ass when all the sudden she had an anal tity fart."

anal dick fart

One simply farts threw the penis into someone's asshole. Simple but yet fun to experience.

It's the best time of your life. Try not to shit on your partner in the process.

"Why are you so happy?"
"I just got anal dick farted."
One simply farts threw the penis into someone's asshole. Simple but yet fun to experience.

It's the best time of your life. Try not to shit on your partner in the process.

"Why are you so happy?"
"I just got anal dick farted."




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