

俚语 anal-glaucoma

Anal Glaucoma

Anal Glaucoma is more like an excuse to get out of work.
boss: hello boss here
employee: yeah i need to call off work today
boss: why?
employee: I have anal glaucoma.
boss:what the heck is that?
employee: i just cant see my ass coming to work today!

Anal Glaucoma

Affliction that often affects the chronically disinterested and unmotivated.
T-roy looked at the clock and made the statement to the rest of the group at the meeting, "I'm rapidly developing an affliction of anal glaucoma. I just can't see my ass sitting here listening to you folks one more minute."

Anal Glaucoma

You can't see your ass coming to work today.
Reason used as an excuse when a person does not want to go to work.
My co-worker claimed Anal Glaucoma. When I asked what it was, someone said, "He couldn't see his ass coming to work today."

Anal Glaucoma

Inability to see your ass doing a thing.
Steak Fries called in sick to work today he was suffering like a motherfuckin ebola infested feces throwing monkey suffering from Anal Glaucoma and could not see his ass going to work

Anal Glaucoma

When your ass can't differentiate what it likes to wink at. Like not realizing they are doing it to someone from the same sex.
A guy tells another guy "Hey that's a nice shirt" and then proceed to wink at him with his anal glaucoma.


another word for taking a sick day from work or school when you really aren't sick
I called work and took an anal-glaucoma day. I'm still hung over from last night.

I took an anal-glaucoma day from school. I just could not see my ass anywhere but home today.

anal glaucoma

when you just can't see your ass doing something...
He called in with a case of anal glaucoma--said he just couldn't see his ass getting out of bed and coming in to work.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 22:42:37