

俚语 garage dooring

Garage dooring

When you tape the bottom of an open beer can on the metal bar on the inside of your garage door, hit the button to open the door and stand under the can and drink the beer as it pours out.
Q: “Why are you covered in beer?” A: “We were just garage dooring and only half of the beer spilled on me!”

garage doors

One shade of eyeshadow going from the lid to the browbone.
"That bitch had garage doors like it was the 80s

Garage Door

The thing you hit your head on when you try to drink sparkling water and not burp outside
Oh my gosh! what do i do! “burps” “hits garage door”

garage door

the large roll of fat that needs to be lifted up to get to a fat womans pussy
If you want to fuck Stacey you will have to open the garage door.

garage doors

english midwest slang for gracious, or thankyou in spanish
Person 1 to bartender: Get BT over there a drink.
BT to person 1: Garage Doors man

Garage Door 360

It is a position in which the garage door closes on ones head and the person runs in a sideways circle.
Wanna go do some Garage Door 360.

Garage door opener

convince a chick to have sex with you in a parking deck out on the back of the car or over the hood and make so much noise the guard comes looking to see what’s going on. The key is working your magic to convince a chick to do it when she doesn’t want to at first.
I gave the the Garage door opener




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