

俚语 geii


the word gay re-writen

non offensive to people who are for homosexual rights
man that test was geii


the word gay re-wrote

non offensive to homosexuals
'man that test in mr jensons class was geii!!'

'well thats geii...'


It means “Gay” or “Homosexual”
Used for memes and squad use, however; commonly used as an insult on online multiplayer games.
Person A: *gets shot*
Person A: Oh! You fu*king faggot!! Your mum geiy!!
— Alternativly it can be—
Person A: Insert creative dramatic insult

Person A: Ur mum gey


Geiy although thought to be related to a homophobic insult geiy is different and has no correlation to gay or queer

Geiy is typically used between gamers or memers for example

“Your mum geiy”
“Shet ip geiy boi”
However geiy is commonly pronounced wrong and many pronounce it “gay”
When it should be pronounced “gee”
“Your mums geiy”
“Shet ip geiy boi”

Your mum geiy

It means go shoot yourself you noob
Hey mate how is it going with life?

Your mum geiy.

Ur Mum Geiy

A ded roast
John: Ur Mum Geiy
Bob: *Dies*

Your mum geiy

It means ur mum is geiy
How you doing today mate?

Your mum geiy




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更新时间:2024/9/21 10:44:27