

俚语 geriod


When a boy and or man has a day or a few days with uncontrollable mood swings causing them to act like a little bitch or make them act like a girl and or woman on their period
Yo why is Jerry bitching? Is he on his Geriod?


G(gay) eriod (period). A couple of days of a month where a gay seems to get get sad, mad, promiscuous and a total diva at random times of the day. Some sights can be judged more than usual, eye rolling, calling straight boys daddy, horny, crying, chronic bitching and random actions.
Sarah: hey Connor

Connor(gay): hey betch

Sarah:oh, omg do you see Dave(straight) over there

Connor: omg isn’t daddy so hot I wish he could just slap me

Sarah: uhh Connor the hell is wrong with you
Connor: oh nothin I’m on my geriod
Sarah: huh

Connor: Sarah don’t be stupid it obviously means a gay period duh you stupid beautiful slut




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