

俚语 angster


A term of endearment for one who is simultaneously defined as either 'emo' or 'goth' and a 'gangsta'. A rare, but potent combination.
'Yo, Emil, stop bein' such a fuckin' angster, yo!'


an angst-filled person of any age, but especially a teenager.
Mary has three kids -- a toddler, a fifth-grader and an angster.


One who uses their anxiety/depression apprehension/insecurity to bully others. ie. gangster/mafia.
Paul is going all "angster" on me.


Any boy or girl youth whose fashion sense suggests an urban, hip hop feel by fitting like "gangster" clothes. Yet, an angster's clothes have emo and scene elements as well. This includes loose bondage pants with chains, very large shirts that have names of emo/scene bands (If they have dying, blood or Romance in the title,they probably apply). Goths are a common type of angster
Girl: Did you see that guy. I thought he was a total badass then I saw that his shirt said "Rippity Stab My Heart Out Unicorns Tour 2007"

Guy: Yeah, what an angster.


An asian gangster
'you see a wanna be gangster, who is asian'

"woaah, what a angster!"


short for angst artist(s)
Linkin Park is Angsta. OMG I hate the world

angster rap

A rapper who is both thug and raps about his/her teen angst.
Kevin took the lyrics of Simple plan and rapped them. It was some solid angster rap.




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