The further you radiate a way away from your ORIGIN OF DISCOVERY the more difficult it gets.
How many objects you can defeat gravity.
How many objects you can defeat gravity.
Listen do not venture to far from the CENTER OF YOUR ASSH0LE or the GRAVITY MODEL will SUCK MORE CHALLENGES your way to somehow try to overcome but the best you can do is HEAD BACK before SUNDOWN...GOT IT!!!!
Realize somehow to get away as GRAVITAYE towards a new suggestion as the GRAVITY MODEL will never work if you keep catching HELL.
How SWAT works is it is a LAST RESORT and the GRAVITY MODEL says they are out of practice so in order to bring success the WAGER is "THINK OF THE NEXT MASS MURDER CAN BRING EVRN MORE OUTRAGE AND TUMULTUOUS SIGNIFICANCE as the CODE IS 29.60 a FAG MERGENCE TEEM!!!!
Realize somehow to get away as GRAVITAYE towards a new suggestion as the GRAVITY MODEL will never work if you keep catching HELL.
How SWAT works is it is a LAST RESORT and the GRAVITY MODEL says they are out of practice so in order to bring success the WAGER is "THINK OF THE NEXT MASS MURDER CAN BRING EVRN MORE OUTRAGE AND TUMULTUOUS SIGNIFICANCE as the CODE IS 29.60 a FAG MERGENCE TEEM!!!!