

俚语 groodies


Something or somebody ugly or disgusting in such a way that no other words can describe, if you see an ugly chick she is groody.
EW that girl is groody.

dude i just took a huge shit.
bro thats groody


The feeling of moodiness grumpiness, combined!
She is So Groody!!


A woman's breasts i.e. tits. Originates from the novel "A Clockwork Orange".
She had the nicest set of groodies I'd ever seen.


(From Russian: grud) Breast.
"...the number sewn on the groody part just above the old tick-tocker..."


describing a feeling of being tired mentally, and not wanting to use your mind fully.
I am way to groody to talk to people today....
Damn someone is hella grody today!


1. A green foodie. A person concerned not only with the ingredients and composition of food but also its preparation and execution. Often concerned with food's point of origin, sustainable harvesting practices and carbon footprint.
Marie has loved apples since she was a little girl. Thankfully, long gone are the days where the choice was either mealy Red Delicious or waxy Granny Smith, she knows good quality apples now on sight. Whether it is a Cortland or a Mutsu, a Gala or a Honeycrisp, Marie enjoys them all when they are in season. Now that she was introduced to a local organic farmer and she knows every delectable bite traveled very little from tree to table, free of toxins and other pollutants, Marie is certain her groodie ways do not further tax our planet.


Groody : A frustrated over expectant potential grand parent normally female




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