

俚语 hamburger


An inhabitant of the German port city of Hamburg
He is from Hamburg; A real Hamburger!


A sandwich that wanted to be cool so it took steroids and became the super delicious massive pile of awesome that many humans eat to this very day.
Man I just ate the best hamburger.


Since almost everybody else is too busy making childish jokes, I'll be one of the ones who gives the real definition:

The greatest food ever. It basically a piece of meat put between two pieces of bread. cheese, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, and BBQ sauce make great toppings.
Yo, Tony, give me some of them hamburgers!


You put the penis in between the tits and the girl sucks the penis.
(girl is talking) that Hamburger was yummy.


Something you can order from McDonald’s

Something they have on there menu
Person 1: What do you sell here?
McDonald’s employee: hamburger


the sparse hair that protrudes out of an open neck shirt. most commonly found on a Doug Johnson.
Dude 1: " Dude! Look at that guys hamburger!"
Dude 2: "Must be a Doug Johnson!"
Dude 3: "I wish I was a Doug Johnson!"


when u put yr dick between yr balls and turn it sideways so it resembles a hamburger.
goods make an awesome hamburger




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更新时间:2024/9/20 21:18:08