

俚语 hnng


The noise or word used when something or someone is very very very attractive or desirable. Or a greeting used by Tumblr users on Omegle to find fellow hipsters to follow.
Stranger: hnng
You: hnnnnng
Stranger: <333
You: URL?
Stranger: hnng.tumblr.com
You: followed!


1. the sound a person makes when they are trying to poop while constipated

2. the sound a person makes when they are trying to describe a strenuous situation, usually accompanied by/with some sort of body language (ie. facial expressions, hand movements)
oh now I'm scared *hnng* *flails arms*


A secret code typed on Omegle by Tumblr users. If two users came across each other using this code, they would swap URLs and follow each other.

Started Sunday, May 16.
You: hnng
Stranger: hnng
You: :D
You: whats ur url?
Stranger: contemplatingescape.tumblr.com
You: bywt.tumblr.com
You: cool
Stranger: kk i'm following you, you should follow me


An exclamative for when something cringy occurs
Someone: *says something cringy*
Me: hnng


Something tumblr users say; meaning "you follow me, I'll follow you?"
Tumblr guy 1: hnng?
Tumblr guy 2: hnng!
Tumblr guy 1: what's your url?
Tumblr guy 2: -insert url-
Tumblr guy 1: Great! Followed.


The noise a rare bread of gamers make when they get a good shot on the opposing player
*Moloch gets 3 kills*
Moloch: "hnng"


The word one uses when responding to anothers lame comment.

Brendon: Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill??? TO get to the bottom, HA HA.

John: Hnng..




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:27:36