

俚语 hotass

hot ass

A person who is really good looking. Or someone with an extreamly nice ass. See also Nikki Aninno
Damn that Nikki Annino is a hot ass

hot ass

A term used to describe someone who is incredibly good looking. (Can also be used for someone who has a nice ass)
Damn! Devin is a HOTTASS!

hot ass

a very sexy ass
Chelsea has such a hot ass, man!

hot ass

a term used for the expression of giving or receiving the best sex you've ever had.
hot ass! yo girl you want some hot ass!
mmm...hot ass!

hot ass

tha hottest bitch eva!!
SupahFun is such a hot ass!! Brian is Jealous!!

hot ass

an alcoholic drink that combines Hot Tamales candy and Shmirnoff Ice.
Ashleigh and Krystal invented a new drink they dubbed "Hot Ass".

hot ass

The condition of a girl's behind being very warm or filled with warmth, or when the bulk of her body heat is concentrated near the rectal area.
"Dude, this chick last night had such a hot ass!"
"Was she that good in bed?"
"No, I mean she nearly burned my dick off!"




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