

俚语 hot glaze

Hot Glaze

The act of gathering a collection of your own semen in a container over several months, heating up the gathered semen in either the microwave or on the stove, and then pouring the hot semen over you partner in bed.
"Dude your Mom loved that hot glaze I gave her last night."
"I ain't fucking that girl, I heard she got a got glaze from Jamie."

Glazed Hot Fudge Brownie

When you take a shit and cum all over on top of it and then bake it. Once it is done you serve it as a pastry to others or yourself.
Bob: Man I'm really hungry right now
Tom: Hey I just took a shit in this bag, wanna make a glazed hot fudge brownie?
Bob: I would love to! Let me just cum on it and then we can bake it in the oven
Tom: Yumm delish!




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