

俚语 hovind


To speak with authority on a complex topic in such a way that you sound like you know what you're talking about while being absolutely clueless.
"I know he was on TV, but he just hovinded his way through it. He doesn't actually understand it."

"Don't hovind at me. You may sound good but you're full of shit and ignorance."

"Hovinding too much can result in going to jail, you know."

"Don't let them hovind you. Fact-check it!"

Kent Hovind

A creationist whose life work involves scamming gullible people even more stupid and clueless than he is. He pathetically engages in dishonest rhetoric and is basically a snake-oil salesman.
You're a fucktard, Aren't ya Kent?

-Eddy Goombah in Tribute to Kent Hovind

kent hovind

A very intelligent man who is hated by every athiast, because he makes them look restarted in creation vs evolution debates. He was also put in prison to shut him up for speaking truth
I respect that man, he is such a Kent hovind

kent hovind

A very intelligent man who is hated by every athiast, because he makes them look restarted in creation vs evolution debates. He was also put in prison to shut him up for speaking truth
I respect that man, he is such a Kent hovind




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