

俚语 apathy's


Being in a state of indifference, or not caring one away or another.

For instance; lacking passion, motivation and desire, possibly due to emotional supression- leading to one becoming apathetic about their situation.
Person 1: "What's apathy?"

Person 2: "I don't know, and I don't care."


Apathy (n.) - A complete lack of giving a fuck.
She was so apathetic about drawing that she didn't even color within the lines.

My mother is the queen of apathy; she doesn't care about ANYTHING.


A complete lack of emotion or motivation, whether directed towards a person, activity, or object.

While it can often be confused with Stoicism, apathy is much worse than merely not showing feelings, as the person who is apathetic HAS no feelings.
Sadly, the most likely cause of the world's problems is that no one seems to care about anything anymore. Apathy is truly entropy.


I don't really feel like writing a definition..
I have to use the word Apathy in a sentence? Ugh..


a solution for all the world's problems.
Apathy. if no one cares, there's no problem.


A lack of care, feeling, or any kind of emotion. Both negative and positive. Also known as being to lazy to be lazy.
See Meh
"Your so apathetic!"


Apathy is the soul-rotting, civilization-ending, rationalization that, since it is difficult to change entrenched institutions, it is better to passively allow them to segregate, vitiate, or annihilate whilst we contemplate, procrastinate, and exculpate in the ennui that is the luxury of those just beyond the earshot of oppression.
I suppose I should vote for someone in the next election, but, because I feel only apathy, I'll just let rich people decide who should run the country.




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