

俚语 huppelkut


Dutch slang that very loosely means "trendy little bitch". Term is usually used to term girls who're ditzy, fashionable preps that're slaves to mainstream culture (compare with valley girl). Huppelkut is generally considered a derogatory term, spoken as a disparaging insult for any girl that lives an overly social and 'trendy' lifestyle and obsesses over fashion statements and other prep-related ideals.
Two huppelkutten in a library:
Girl: "Yeah, my boyfriend and I are gonna go shoppin' today... gonna look for a new dress for me to wear when I go out with my girlfriends tonight. *giggle* Everybody's telling me my clothes are getting outta date... I need to spend some time shopping at the gap... maybe hang up wiv my friends there... You coming?"
Girl #2: "Oh sure, I was only gonna stay home and watch Slipknot videos..."
Girl: "Like, eeww... you listen to Slipknot? Aren't they, like, gothic, like?"
Girl #2: "I think so... sorry, I'll come and buy some clothes with you guys."
Guy nearby: *thinks* "I wish those two huppelkuts would STFU; I'm trying to do work but all they ever do is jabber about clothes and boys."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:46:44