He is the kind of human that lives on Earth. He is a cool guy that can do duck sounds and be able to do a lot of things. Iammai likes to discover more novel things about the universe, it amazes and intrigues him. He likes sports particularly badminton, music, learning, etc. He is on a mission to find happiness in his life, he wants to do a lot of things in search of it. Iammai has a very wide knowledge about the purpose of life, he is currently seeking what's the meaning of it. He knows that life is short, so he wants to do and know a lot of things about the world before the end of his life. Iammai is very cautious about his every action as he knows that he doesn't have the ability to control time, he knows that time keeps on moving forward. He is a great person and he just wants the best for everything in this world.
The name "Iammai" derived from the bible phrase which is "I am who I am". While, there is an alternative name for this word which is "Lamaw". The name "Lamaw" is a joint word which derived from the word "lmao" (Laughing My Ass Off) and the name "Imaw". We can see the origin of "Lamaw" from the figure below (note: to avoid misunderstanding the letter "I" in "Imaw" and "Imaw" is the capital letter "i".):
"I am who I am" (From bible)→ Iammai→ Imaw→→→Lamaw
↘ Imao ↗
Fun fact: When "Iammai" is inverted, is stays the same.
The name "Iammai" derived from the bible phrase which is "I am who I am". While, there is an alternative name for this word which is "Lamaw". The name "Lamaw" is a joint word which derived from the word "lmao" (Laughing My Ass Off) and the name "Imaw". We can see the origin of "Lamaw" from the figure below (note: to avoid misunderstanding the letter "I" in "Imaw" and "Imaw" is the capital letter "i".):
"I am who I am" (From bible)→ Iammai→ Imaw→→→Lamaw
↘ Imao ↗
Fun fact: When "Iammai" is inverted, is stays the same.
Iammai decided to run across the street