Indigenous; aboriginal; native
"When meeting a Native American person, don't ask if they are an Indian, a Native, or a 'skin'....just say "Are you indin'? Then they will see that you know what you are talking about." Chief Eaglefeather, BINAY Tribe
Indin guy
Phrase for Native Americans used by the people themselves. Today, the "guy" part is null, and they are just "Indin."
Eeeey man, I ain't Mexican! I'm an Indin guy!
Indin' Love
Term used to describe relationships on Reservations or Native American Territory's. To be classified as an "Indin' Love" situation your relationship must meet the following criteria; You must have numerous children with different mothers or if you are female you must have several kids by different dad's. You must always allow the parent(s) of your child/ren to be the first one you call when intoxicated for sex or an argument. You shall do 'Battle' which means you either get into bloody fights over or with your lover. You should recognize that neither of you are truly faithful or monogamous; You must live in housing that is subject to search, i.e. HUD or Section 8 and actively fear inspections because of broken doors or holes in walls. One must have hickeys or leg bruises and go into public with these visible adornments. All fights shall end with loud,crude sex and a shared bowl of Ramen Noodles. Birth Control also shall not be an option, thus the careless reproduction. You must struggle with either a poor running vehicle with dents and/or missing windows, or be totally without. True '"Indin' Love" is usually inclusive of one or more of the parties involved in being on Probation, Parole directly following a period of being jailed and long love letters an/or hand drawn cards of roses and feathers or money being put on the books and a dropped Restraining Order against one or the other.
Used In Native American Communities across North America:
Person 1: 'Look at Jess and Thunder, I thought that they were broken up.'
Person 2: 'She had him thrown in jail I thought, whys she got all those hickeys?.'
Person 1: 'They are violating that restrainin' order then.'
Person 2: 'My cousin said that she got knocked up by Eagle and Thunder thinks it's his and they are back together now.'
Person 1: 'Man, that's what you call Indin' Love, enit?!'
Person 2:'Jess' eye is lookin good after Eagle busted her around the other day.'
Person 1: 'They still drivin' that car around with no license too.'
To be in "Indin' Love".
Person 1: 'Look at Jess and Thunder, I thought that they were broken up.'
Person 2: 'She had him thrown in jail I thought, whys she got all those hickeys?.'
Person 1: 'They are violating that restrainin' order then.'
Person 2: 'My cousin said that she got knocked up by Eagle and Thunder thinks it's his and they are back together now.'
Person 1: 'Man, that's what you call Indin' Love, enit?!'
Person 2:'Jess' eye is lookin good after Eagle busted her around the other day.'
Person 1: 'They still drivin' that car around with no license too.'
To be in "Indin' Love".