inpression and an outpression
inside: the interior or inner part of something; such as a building.
outside: the part of something that faces out; the outer surface; such as a building.
impression: an outward appearance of something; such as a person.
inpression: an outward appearance from the interior or inner part of something; such as a building or something; of a person.
outpression: an outward appearance from the part of something that faces out; the outer surface of something; such as a building or something; of a person.
outside: the part of something that faces out; the outer surface; such as a building.
impression: an outward appearance of something; such as a person.
inpression: an outward appearance from the interior or inner part of something; such as a building or something; of a person.
outpression: an outward appearance from the part of something that faces out; the outer surface of something; such as a building or something; of a person.
A person had an inpression and an outpression of another person who walked inside and then outside of a building.