

俚语 jandie


When something is complete and utter perfection to the point that it makes you want to dance with a bottle of fireball and a jug of Purex in each hand. Legend has it the origins of Jandy can be traced to the southeastern region of Mexico.
"Hey Colin, you see that baby Brazilian tapir (or pudú) over yonder? How Jandy!"
"Oh you're going to see Selena Gomez? That's Jandy!"
"Oh you fucked Selena Gomez? That's Jandy!"
"When I get home I'm gonna make the jandiest plate of perogies!"
"Spencer, your sandals smell like bear semen!" *Dustin throws Spencer's sandals out the car window while driving through Smallville* "Gee golly, thanks for jandying up the situation Dustin!"


A person doom to repeat life with the same name and the same personality and his/her personality is kind and shy around cute girls
He is a jandi he will repeat life again and again


Scary guy who likes to grind up lightbulbs and put them in peoples oatmeal and soup.
"Do you know where nick is?"
"Yeah, he died."
"Jandy put a lightbulb in his soup."


A super hot and sexy girl. She will rock your world
Jandy is the sexiest girl I know!


Phrase used to describe hooking up with multiple RANDOM guys in one night

Jandying (verb)- to hook up with multiple random guys in one night

**BEWARE** pulling a jandy can result in year long taunting from friends and aquaintances
Wow, she pulled a jandy at the party last night.


An on and off couple that fight lots but still love each other.
“Oh it’s jandy.”


A sarcastic statement made by someone who thinks they are in a place of authority
What a jandy comment that was.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:38:30