

俚语 jayholl


To have an uncontrolled heave reaction while tasting a new or foreign food.
Dude the noodles are good but the fish sauce totally made me jayholl.


a definition of a tool who thinks he can boss employees around and make them feel inferior. generally unpleasant. currently holds a PhD(ingleberry) in BS. typically smells. brags about how he's published 1,000,000,000 articles in the "Journal of Anal Oncology." Spits like a mule, wishes he could trade his daughter for a son. Poor locker room etiquette - i.e. hairdryer to the sack...so I've heard. Speaks of himself in the third person tense.
"Oh yeah, we did that already! I have the data. DATA DATA!!!!!"



a combination of the words 'jack ass' and 'ass hole.'
She always referred to her ex-boyfried as a jayhole.


It is a combination of jackass and asshole combined. My husband was driving down the road and some jackass/asshole cut him off, and he couldn't pick what word to use so he came up with a combo word.
Omygod would you look at that jayhole driving a Hummer with a "Save the rainforest" bumper sticker.


A widened stretch of a narrow road where you can pull over or pass (Appalachian, originally from logging: the place where you'd get the hell out of the way of the logs as they started downhill)
You didn' heard yet? Yer maw done got herself flattened by one a them there outta control coal trucks out Trinity holler. She done plum forgot to pull off over inta that there ... uh ... whachamacallit ... jayhole. Shit. Sorry, man.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:26:02