

俚语 jesus poop

Jesus Poop

When you take a shit, and you wipe, and the toliet paper is streak-free. This is also known as the "greatest feeling in the world". A JP in the morning, guarantees a great day to come.

It is referred to as a "JP" for short.

May is the official National JP Month
Jesus poops help save the world, by enabling the person to reuse toliet paper.

jesus poop

perfect poop that doesn't leave cling-ons and yet cleanses your colon; the kind of poop you pray for when in a public bathroom - easy, no straining, and no mess
"I eat Activia (tm) once a day so that I know I'm gonna have jesus poops! Spares me embarrassment, man."

baby jesus poops

When you have to poop so bad that you feel that you are about to give birth to an immaculate conception. The poops often resemble pop corn shrimp, or little baby jesus' swaddled in little blankets.
After I ate all of that food I had a case of the baby jesus poops!




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