

俚语 arse handing

arse handing

To have ones arse handed to them, to be completely and utterly beaten. Applies to sports, video games etc
The defeat suffered today can only be described as a complete arse handing

A crushing defeat resulting from ones own ineptitude and or imbalance in skill levels

having your ass handed to you

arse in his hand

To be in a bad mood, to be pissed off about something.
"He's back! - and this time he's got his arse in his hand" - advertising poster for Terminator 3.

arse in his hand

Used to describe a person who is in a bad mood
Don't expect a smile out of him- he's got his arse in his hand

arse in his hand

Dejected, disconsolate, disappointed, depressed.
Ever since he failed to get that promotion, Jerry has been walking around with his arse in his hand.




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