Another species of chipmunk, a very unusual creature with a unique ability: you may remove the head of the rodent by applying pressure to its neck. The head jumps off with a small popping sound while the jugmunk remains largely unharmed. The head will continue to squeak and live, while the body remains stationary until the head is reattached. The hollow body is now perfect for holding a variety of liquids so the little guy can hold a drink for a long trip (hence the name jugmunk). A very appropriate and durable species gaining popularity in the west. Lifespan is about 2-4 years, and the species was discovered by a little-known Italian scientist named Dr. Rodenta Iuguolo.
Rodenta Superfluous- A variant of the jugmunk species adept at holding large amounts of orange juice due to the inner wall of its body cavity, or coel, having a high tolerance to acid. It also tends to be larger and so therefore is more capable of holding more refreshments. Tends to be around 20-25$.