July 8
The best people were born on this date. If you are one of them, you are for a fact, funny, beautiful, loving and a caring person. If you know someone who was born on this date, just love them. Do not let them go, ever because they are one of a kind.
-Wow! He is the kindest person ever!
-Yeah, he was born on July 8th.
-Oohh, makes sense!
-Yeah, he was born on July 8th.
-Oohh, makes sense!
July 8
A bad bad bitches birthday
John:it's July 8 you know what day it is
Mary: no what
John: it's that bad bitches birthday
Mary: no what
John: it's that bad bitches birthday
July 8
July 8th means you can slap anyone and they can not snitch or be mad
Kyle: *slaps Vanessa*
Vanessa: The hell Kyle
Kyle: Your not supposed to tell or be mad. Haha
July 8 is independence day also.
Vanessa: The hell Kyle
Kyle: Your not supposed to tell or be mad. Haha
July 8 is independence day also.
July 8
If you were born on july 8 go hug you best friend
July 8
it's July 8th, eat some chicken nuggets!
Sändra: Oh it's July 8th
Sofaja: well, I'm gonna eat some chicken nuggets
Sofaja: well, I'm gonna eat some chicken nuggets
July 8
The coolest person's birthday and whoever is born on this day is a very brave and curious person.
"My birthday is July 8 and I'm curious!"
July 8
Send tit pics to your boy friend day
July 8