

俚语 juxtaposer


One who places contrasting objects side by side.

One who stands amid a vividly contrasting scene or environment and attempts to utilize the chamelion effect.
A burly American walking through Vietnam wearing a bamboo hat.

A dog hiding a stuffed animal by putting it under a shoe.

The juxtaposer walked into a saloon wearing bright yellow rubber boots and an orange fedora.


1. A person who pretends to hate something most people like (or vice versa), simply because they think it will make them a more interesting or unique person overall.

2. A person who will change their opinion of something on a whim to match someone who (they admire or look up to) believes something else of it.
Guy 1: Bro, Twenty One Pilots is really good right now!
Guy 2: Nah, they've gotten too mainstream.
Guy 1: Yeah, you're right, their old songs were good.
Guy 2: That newest song is pretty good tho.
Guy 1: Yea, that's what I said!
Guy 2: Dude, quit being such a damn juxtaposer


Person 1: Man, Infinity War was pretty good!
Person 2: I can't wait till' the sequel!
Person 3: Nah, it was pretty bad.
Person 2: What? Why?!
Person 3: Well, the acting wasn't *that* great...
Person 1: Is that it?
Person 3: Errr... Well, the effects-
Person 2: You're just being a juxtaposer.


The comparing of two objects, set side by side to be examined.
" the two pictures are to be juxtaposed, to find differences"

"listen to Tool's 'Schism', juxtaposed is used"


A word meaning to place objects next to one another to create contrast. It has widely been used in the art world, and, unfortunately, has been picked up by art students. This means that if there is any contrast in any given student piece, you are bound to hear this word when critique time comes around.
Student A: The artist is creating a vivid dialogue through the use of the miniscule color-blocked area of the painting juxtaposes the gargantuan, overpowering, almost didactic imagery encompassing it.

Student B: You're just trying to use big words at this point, aren't you?


The quality of confliction through analysis of comparison.
The ethical dilemma left Jared feeling juxtapose.
The grammar enthusiast Jared was juxtaposed after researching the Urban Dictionary.


crazy word that a drunk swiss guinacologist came up with to he could have bragging rights over his fellow professional soda sharers.
fo shizzle


Act of posing nude for your grandma
Dude Juxtaposing sucks and then she touched me.




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