(ka BOSH)
(v.) 1) To seal or close. 2) To put an end to or stop to; to finish.
(n.) A lid or seal; an end to an arguement or confrontation.
note: can also be spelled "kabosh," but in Dane Cook's stand-up skit "The Heckler and The Kabbash," it is spelled this way.
(v.) 1) To seal or close. 2) To put an end to or stop to; to finish.
(n.) A lid or seal; an end to an arguement or confrontation.
note: can also be spelled "kabosh," but in Dane Cook's stand-up skit "The Heckler and The Kabbash," it is spelled this way.
"I'm going to end this. I'm going to put the kabbash on this thing right now." (Dane Cook)