A state of being in which an individual is focused on completing a task, filing a complaint with the top level domain/management, undoing the impossible without regard for anything else, or any number of “objective-based” actions.
Tone of voice in such a vibe-state is generally monotone and/or robotic-isn.
Actions can include: tweeting, meme-ing, ‘gramming, ‘tok-ing, or and number of ways to relay information loudly and assertively, generally as though a larger audience were listening. Even if # of followers = 0.
👁 🗨🗣💭🏆💩✨🤖
Tone of voice in such a vibe-state is generally monotone and/or robotic-isn.
Actions can include: tweeting, meme-ing, ‘gramming, ‘tok-ing, or and number of ways to relay information loudly and assertively, generally as though a larger audience were listening. Even if # of followers = 0.
👁 🗨🗣💭🏆💩✨🤖
Dude, I switched into hardcore karenMode when Tidal (@tidal) kept popping the audio... can’t handle butchering Benny (@getbenny) like that. It’s just not right.
LAPD (@lapdhq) copters really trigger major karenMode episodes. Had to DM Papa Joe (@potus) last night because they were nonstop.
They call me Megatron (@nickiminaj) when I get into karenMode.
LAPD (@lapdhq) copters really trigger major karenMode episodes. Had to DM Papa Joe (@potus) last night because they were nonstop.
They call me Megatron (@nickiminaj) when I get into karenMode.