A handsome stud boy, absolutely brilliant in wooing girls and has multiple girlfriends at a time. Always has a crush above his league but always manages to reach her league. Good in sports but sucks at esports
Damm i wish my boyfriend was a kartikay
A boy, usually of indian descent, who is insanely sexy and has a cool smile. He attracts girls and plays video games nonstop. Plus, he is known to smell good.He also talks to himself all the time
Whoa! I wanna date that boy! He is such a Kartikay.
Kartikay is Smart, hot and has a cute smile. He has a power of wooing girls only with his smile, because he also has a dimple. Kartikay also has the largest Dick. And it's everyone's dream of riding it.
I wish I could ride Kartikay's Dick.
A very cool , smart , handsome boy belonging basically to Indian descent. A big brain who is very kind towards everyone, lovable, friendly person and a pure minded guy. He is also good at sports and studies and will make his parents proud.
ooff! I wish I had a child like Kartikay, it would be a blessing
Kartikay is a very ugly Punjabi Taxi driver, and driving his taxi is the only thing that he can do good in his life. Kartikay means a person who fails everything. If you had a scale of beauty and 1 stand for the most beautiful and 0 stands for the least beautiful Kartikay won't be able to fit the scale. If you wanna really know the number is -99999. His nose is bigger than the universe.
I am gonna Kartikay this exam.
1) adj.- an axe murderer
2) {verb} - giving bush aids
2) {verb} - giving bush aids
i wanted to do kartikay.a
Bhardwaj kartikay
The Best Guy In The Group
who is good in studies
good in sports
who is good in studies
good in sports
person 1- see thats bhardwaj kartikay
person - sugoi
person - sugoi