

俚语 a scooter

A scooter

A female that you would or did ride but you wouldn't want to see your friends riding her
that girl isnt that hot but she is a scooter




1. To take up a more than reasonable amount of space so that one is able to go lone wolf and have no one around them.


2. Some one who takes up too much space
- Parking diagonally across a drive way

"Her small car took up all the parking. She scootered the driveway."

- Taking up a whole table so no one can work with you

"There is enough to room for four at that table but he is scootering it by spreading his books around and throwing his jacket on the extra chairs."

- Laying on a park bench or public seating so no one will try and sit with you a carry on a conversation Forest Gump style.

"I hate talking with strangers so I am just going to scooter these bus seats."


Someone who won't ride snowmachines because he would rather do womanly activities.
Guy: Remember that sled trip that dude scootered on?
Girl: Yeah, He showed up at our scrap booking convention and all the girls were like WTF?


a 20-something male who enjoys the company of questionable teenage girls.
"is that Joey over there, talking to those high school girls? He's such a scooter"


Something you ride but don't tell your friends
"That girl who always hangs around Ralph is such a scooter."


To trick women/men into giving their panties by buying them massive amounts of tequila in order to make a homemade pillowcase.
Did you see Marty over there trying to scooterize Bruce with all that tequila? That's the third pair he got this week!


"Rave" German music band. Consists of H.P. Baxxter (the main singer) and two other keyboardists. Popular in Europe for hits like "Hyper Hyper" and "Nessaja". Impressive live show. Good party music.

Best Techno Band Ever.
I went to a Scooter concert and it was intense.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 8:00:27